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Nature Photography

Nature photography has always been a very popular genre for fine art photographers. Though it often proves difficult to categorize, as it does include many different forms, such as scenic landscapes, underwater scenes, plants and animals, just to name some of the major groups. All of these fall under the overarching description of nature, but can also be classified in their own independent genres. Though they are all different and unique in their own way, they also include many similarities and share related aspects in not only their content, but form as well. Obviously, the main similarity between these groupings is that they all depict the beauty of nature, but beyond that, the similarities also lie within the philosophies behind such camera work.
Scenic, or landscape photography, usually includes expansive views of natural backgrounds that usually include many of the other elements mentioned above. For example, it is common to see plants, such as trees and flowers, within scenic pictures. Though it is less common to see animals, because it takes away from the actual landscape, it is still possible, and does not automatically disqualify it from the scenic title.

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